Monday, August 6, 2012

Hi!it's me Peaches. Today we are traveling to India! India is my home town and it is a very exciting place. In India, one of the fun things to do(for girls),is mehendi (henna). I had it done many times at functions and I looked very nice.A unique thing about India is the monkeys. They are all over the place.When my mom was young, the monkeys used to steal the lunch of her classmates.India is famous for it's elephants.In the stores you will find elephant carvings and many pictures of elephants. That's all for now! Bye Peaches!

Hey its me popcorn Today were going to go My Home town. which is India.I love Indian clothes. And in my language Tara means star means Popcorn :)

Julie, Daisy and Cupcake

Hi its Popcorn and first I have to tell you all about me.  I am a pink little sister and a bit of a pest  I have three little things  that make me happy ,one doll  called  julie  one teddy called Cupcake and one called Daisy  I am six and I am going to be seven but I WILL ALWAYS LOVE THEM! But  Mommy is better!

All About Thailand

Today I went to Thailand, (not really, it was a craft! ) and it was so cool!!  In Thailand, elephants are considered sacred. I went with a friend and my sister. The capital of Thailand Bangkok is a very busy and crowded place with nine million inhabitants! The city was built on  an island in the river and there are lots canals. The boats there are called sampans and serve as a floating market.
                                                I went to Thailand it was exiting even though it was just a craft  I went with my friend Carolyn.  We made elephants and flags.Bye from Peaches.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Harry Potter and Me

Hi! It's me again ,Peaches, and I'm here to tell you about how I got around to knowing and loving Harry Potter. I started reading the Harry Potter series when I was 8.I have got to the fourth book and so far its really cool.(The rest you have to read when you are older because it is scary.). Today I get to see the first Harry Potter movie with my Mom,so if you like magic,mystery and fun then Harry Potter is one of the books you'll love.Harry Potter in the book has a few bits that are disgusting and scary ( which is why I am watching it with my Mom.) but you'll still love it.That's all for now!bye!  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In Which We Make Crafts from Mexico

My name is Popcorn and the lower butterfly is mine and in the old days the Maya people lived in Mexico and  the monarth butterflys.

Hi My name is Peaches! And the upper butterfly is the one that I made. Another fact about Monarchs is,every time about winter time here,all the Monarchs fly to a certain forest in Mexico and you can see them on the trees in  Mexico!  Bye!

Ed: original expression has been left intact in the case of Peaches :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A New Adventure

When my daughters were younger, I would  snatch a few moments everyday to blog about our lives together. The older one, then in  preschool , would come back everyday and say she had peaches for lunch, the younger one, still at home was a popcorn lover. So, in my blog, they were called Peaches and Popcorn. Now they are both in elementary school and this summer (2012) we are going to blog about our adventures together.